General Objective:-
The objective of the organization is
- to promote and help in the implementation of PESA, the Panchayati Raj Act, for better self-governance and to strengthen grassroots democracy.
- to ensure the right to food, right to work, and social security of the poor and marginalized by monitoring the implementation of MNREGA, National Food Security Act,( which includes schemes like Public Distribution System, ICDS, Mid Day Meal, and Maternal entitlement) social security pension schemes.
- to ensure the food and nutritional security of women, children, and other vulnerable sections of society through the promotion of cultivation of traditional food grains like Madua, etc, and the promotion of the Poshan Garden. This will be particularly helpful in addressing the problem of anemia among women of a marginalized community.
- to bring transparency and accountability in governance through the promotion and application of social audit
- to capacitate the Human Resource for promotion, preservation, utilization, and marketing of natural /local resources for ensuring food security and income generation of the poor and marginalized people.
- to promote, equality, peace, brotherhood, and social justice by reducing Cast, Community, Religion, Sex and Region-based conflicts and restoring the violated constitutional rights
- to sensitize the society about gender equity and women’s empowerment
- Promotion of livelihood program through water and natural resource.
- to Save the water, land, and forest
Over all Roles:-We have collectivity identified the role of Multi Art Association for the long time which are varied in nature but complementary to each other:-
- Awareness builders and Organizers.
- Capacitors.
- Facilitators.
- Mobilisers
- Networkers
- Right Base Advocacy.
- Multi Art Trainers.
Work in the Education Field:- Organization does the Work To tack Admission of Drop out child of PTG Traibls. PTG Traible has Gov. Sepret PTG Residential Scholl but lack of Awareness they dont Tack their Admission. Organization Help to Tack their Admission By the Organization Staff and also the Work of Awareness Program and Advocacy with local Gov. Body of their Rights at Barwadi, Manika, Mahuwadand, Garu Block in Latehar District.
Problem of Education Field :- Dence Forest area in Latehar Deistict Doesnt open School Timely and does not Continue MDM and also not avaleval Others Facilities. In Others Side of dence Foret area is Same Condition. All Gov. School has no Facility of Uniform, Bhench chair. The Student of Gov. School does not get Timely Scholarship. So Child of poor man and SC, ST, PTG Community are not Receiving proper Education.